Life around here has been messy. Tolliver, my two year old, has decided it is time to potty learn. I will admit that I'm kind of torn over this. Remember, this is change, that thing I am really not so good with.
Tolliver would randomly potty here and there, but nothing consistent. He was quite comfortable wearing his diapers and found no motivation to move forward after seeing his cousin, M (same age) potty while she was here. He was content with using the potty as he desired.
Out of nowhere he decided to start pottying more frequently. He would walk over, go and clap and dance. One night my husband sent me a text letting me know that Tolliver had let him know he had to potty, then went on to do so. We were proud parents! Our boy was growing up.... urgh.... change.
It has been about a week now. Bubba wears his diaper for sleeping, but "unnawears" during wake times. He is doing really well, but we find ourselves with little wet spots sporadically throughout the house. Yesterday I took the opportunity to have a shower. Bubba and Hobby were in the toy room playing. Bubba runs to me in the bathroom as I was getting out of the shower to let me know he has to "pee pee potty" so I quickly get the unnawears off so I can plop him on the toilet. Surprise! I felt warmth. Sticky, gooey warmth. Oh no! Yes, Tolliver had his first poop accident. I didn't really know what to do. As I pull down the unnawears, I covered his legs in poop. Poop is plopping on the floor, he is grabbing at himself.... holy... poop! I laugh. I really, truly just laughed... a lot. I am there, in a towel, barely dry, trying to not cover myself or the bathroom in poop even further. Tolly is disgusted as he is covered in poop from the piggy down. Oy. I rip his unnawears off quickly like a bandage, and toss him in the tub. While laughing and trying to explain that it's ok, and he isn't in trouble. "We poop on the potty, ok?" he stares at me like I'm nuts.
My laughter wore off and I hear Holliday fussing in the toy room. I have a naked, screaming toddler who is now only partially covered in poop, I am now toweless, and I need to somehow tend to Holliday, who is fussing. The feeling of being overwhelmed sets in. It has only happened a few times where I feel that overwhelming "oh my, I have two boys 2 and under" , but this was one of those times. With laughter, quick thinking and a quick bath, we survived.
I ask Bubba often if he has to potty. I think I annoy him with it. I find tiny dabs of wetness on his underwear, but unless he is sopping, I let it be. He has taken it upon himself t decide it's time, and I trust that he will guide us and let us know what he needs to get through this transition. He is a brilliant little boy, and he makes me SO proud!
So, do any readers have some great potty learning advice for me? I have heard some people keeping a potty with a little bit of cat litter in the car for trips out. Pretty great idea! I know there must be more, so share!
My big cloth diaper stash seems less necessary now that Tolliver has decided to PL. How many diapers does one need for one baby in diapers full time? My answer: more ;)
let him keep going at his pace...we didn't stress about it and James is out of diapers completely, even at night! He decided when to start and we just kept spare clothes with us. We skipped pull-ups and did cotton trainers and underwear
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