you make hospital gowns. Well, you do if you are Ms. Craftipants. It's a good stress reliever to design something and it allowed me to do something productive.
But I know you aren't here to hear about the hospital gown. You're wondering what horrible complication has resulted in the need to transfer to the hospital. Well, truth be told there isn't one. Take a deep breath, we're all fine. It's just been a series of small discoveries about my last birth with James that has culminated in deciding to play it safe with our first VBAC. Believe me, I want #3 to be born at home!
I have warning signs of preeclampsia for starters. We've managed to keep my blood pressure down and my protein levels at a reasonable level, but, and I won't bore you with all the bloodwork details, it could go anyway. I am eating a very high protein diet to keep my levels good and swelling at bay and trying to remain active enough to keep my blood pressure down. This is easier said than done with the weight of a watermelon strapped to your belly.
The other concern is that I'm a VBAC, which wouldn't really concern me, and honestly still doesn't. However, the genius that closed my c-section only did a single layer suture. I'm a little mad about this still and have channeled my energy into sewing. I've gotten a lot done the last few weeks. While a VBAC is still much safer than a repeat c-section, the single layer makes my husband and my midwife nervous. Quite frankly, it doesn't scare me at all - maybe I'm too tenacious for my own good. However, I really respect their need to protect me and to feel comfortable during the process. I need them to be able to focus and not worry, because in the end the VBAC is the most important thing for me.
So the plan is: labor at home, transfer before transition, and push the baby out at Overland Park Regional. I hope they have nice rooms.
To get psyched for hospital birth:
I've made a labor gown and a gown for afterwards. They are much cuter and better for breastfeeding. I am aware they will get gross. I sooooo do not care. I have literally dozens of yards of fabric that needed a good use.
I reminded myself that while I am recovering I will get food brought to me from the friendly hospital staff. You know like really mediocre room service!
And I remind myself that no matter what happens, this birth will be better. This time I empowered and informed. And at the end I will have a beautiful baby girl, 9 months of fantastic prenatal care, and a different perspective on childbirth.
I'm sorry, I know how important home birth is to you. Your gowns are cute though!
I hope that even though it's a hospital birth, it goes smoothly. You'll still be in control, even at a hospital, as you well know. You, and baby Sydney, will be in my prayers!
I can't wait to "meet" her!
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