Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reading Group: A look at Free Range Kids with Roger Ebert

Today's reading:

What do you think?


Jess said... [Reply to comment]

I love the articles you put up to read. I really liked this one, and it echoes the sentiment in Lenore Skenazy's book "Free Range Kids". Skenazy actually has the data, though, to back it up. I like reading articles and books like these to remind me that the best I can do to protect my kids is teach them how to make good decisions, and then allow them to do just that.

Jenn said... [Reply to comment]

I think he does a good job of describing a parenting issue that we tend to think of us as a modern conundrum, how much freedom is safe, but that I am guessing parents have always struggled with.

I sometimes wonder if our ability to be reached at all times via computer/cell phone sets up the expectation that we must reachable and locatable at all times. How will that effect our children?

I thought about posting a Skenazy article, but since I was reading this one, I thought it was interesting to hear from a mainstream writer about a somewhat controversial parenting issue.

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