Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You're Still A Mom - EMAB Review and Giveaway!!

Mother's Day is fast approaching, and we at Connected Mom are making this year about those that don't appear to be mothers.  Those that have lost babies, whether by miscarriage, stillbirth, or anytime after birth.  There are so many types of loss that fall into this, and this is for all of you.  I hope this brings you a little comfort, and a little bit of love, knowing you aren't alone.

(If you haven't, please go read You're Still A Mom, it opens this post better than I could today).

Earth Mama Angel Baby has been so generous and has donated two items for us to review and of which to do a giveaway.

Having just suffered our fifth loss, this product could not have come at a better time.  Earth Mama Angel Baby is a certified organic company, meeting the needs of women through pregnancy, loss, family, and beyond.  Their products are 100% toxin free, cruelty free, and completely vegan.  Even their name just fits with this years emphasis on mothers of loss.

I was given both the Healing Heart Mist and the Harmony Tea.  Both smell like heaven, and regardless of whether you need a good cry or just a few minutes to feel like yourself, they are amazing.

 The Healing Heart Mist smells just wonderful.  Whenever I feel a little down, spraying some of this perks me right up.  I feel okay, even for just a few minutes.  The spray gives me enough time to clear my head, breathe, and relax.  When you have lost a child, life goes in second and minute increments.  It takes all your energy to go from one minute to the next.  Spraying the Healing Heart Mist when things are looking particularly gloomy helps me make it through.  It helps me remember that I need just a few seconds to focus on me, to make sure I'm okay.  It helps me remember that sometimes I do need to just think about myself, and that's okay.

The Healing Heart Mist is made with water, organic olive oil, organic lime essential oil, ginger essential oil, tangerine essential oil, organic orange essential oil, and ylang ylang flower oil.  It is the perfect blend to clam, relax, and help you feel okay, even for a few seconds.

The other product is the Organic Harmony Tea.  In this box, you get 16 tea bags, ready to go.  They just need hot water and about 5-10 minutes to steep.  Even if you aren't a tea person, this blend is specifically made to help you relax and feel better.  Spray a little of the Healing Heart mist, sit with a cup of this tea, and forget the world.  Breathe, cry, feel what you need to.  The Harmony Tea made me feel more relaxed than than I had been in a long time.  There truly is nothing like sitting with a hot cup of tea, and being allowed the time alone you need.

The Harmony Tea is made with organic cinnamon bark, organic lady's mantle leaf, organic red raspberry leaf, organic nettle leaf, organic lemon balm leaf, organic ginger root, and organic alfalfa.  Everything in this tea is made to help your mine and body heal after a loss.  The cinnamon and lemon add a very wonderful taste, and the other ingredients come together to make this tea not only unique, but one of the most perfect blends for healing the body.

After suffering a loss, one of the most important things to do is remember to take care of yourself.  After mine, I have a really hard time sleeping, a really hard time eating, and I just don't want to do anything.  These two products have helped me come back to myself, even just a little, which I desperately needed.

And always always remember, regardless of your loss and whether you have other children, you are still a mother to that baby.  Nothing can ever take that away from you.  And again, always remember that you are allowed to be selfish, to take care of yourself.  No one could ever understand the loss, the emptiness, even others that have been there.  Each loss is unique, something only you understand.  Take care of yourself, and know that even if others don't understand, we are all here to help.


Earth Mama Angel Baby has also been generous enough to offer both the above products to a mother of loss in a giveaway.  This giveaway is specifically for mothers of loss, but if you know one and are willing to enter and give the item to them as a gift if they don't want to enter, that is okay.

To Enter:

     1. MANDATORY ENTRY: Please head over to Earth Mama Angel Baby's site, specifically THIS PAGE which is their baby loss items, and leave a comment letting us know which product you like, what you like about the site, or just something that hadn't known before.

     2.  There are FOUR extra entries that you can use to up your chances of winning:
    • *Like* The Connected Mom on Facebook (If you are already a liker, you can still count this as an entry)
    • *Like* Earth Mama Angel Baby on Facebook (If you are already a liker, you can still count this as an entry)
    • Follow @theconnectedmom and @EarthMamaHQ on twitter and tweet (once a day!) "I entered to win Healing Heart Mist and Harmony tea from @theconnectedmom and @EarthMamaHQ!"
    • Subscribe to The Connected Mom using Google Friend Connect (If you already follow, you can still use this as an entry)
     3.  The giveaway ends on May 10th at 11:59 pm.  The winner will be drawn at random and announced May 11th.  The winner will be posted here and contacted via email, so remember, please include your email address in the comment form.  If we do not hear back from the winner within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen by another random draw.


ComfortBathBlossomsSeeds Of HopeHealing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort

If any of you mothers need anything, please do not hesitate to email me at  You are not alone, even though most days it feels like it.

Earth Mama Angel Baby sent me a free sample to review, I received no other compensation for this post, and the views expressed are my own.


Locavore Family said... [Reply to comment]1

I think this is such a kind and generous give-away. I'm on pregnancy #4 (have one daughter) and my due date is the same as my first ever pregnancy that I heart-brokenly lost. I would love the "Light of my Heart" candle, to remember my first baby and to celebrate how that baby opened my heart wider than I thought possible and made it possible to love so greatly. Thanks.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]2

I like the Healing Hearts Comfort Kit. I had two losses and then gave birth to my wonderful, ALIVE daughter 3 months ago. I am permanently changed by my loss experiences.

Meegs said... [Reply to comment]3

I think the light of my heart candle is just beautiful.

Meegs said... [Reply to comment]4

I follow you with GFC.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]5

And, I just became a new liker of Connected Mom on Facebook. (

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]6

And, I just became a new liker of Earth Mama, Angel Baby on FB! (

MamaMia said... [Reply to comment]7

I think the light of my heart candle is beautiful & I'd love to light it in memory of my sweet daughter Sophia who we lost at 4 months old

MamaMia said... [Reply to comment]8

I also liked ConnectedMom on Facebook.

AnnD said... [Reply to comment]9

We lost our 2nd pregnancy (at 8 weeks, 1 day) in 2009. She would have been our 2nd daughter....I must say that I never knew these products existed, catering to this very specific population....I am going to write a blog about it....I LOVE the idea of the Seeds of Hope...planting life to commemorate the one that you just lost. I also am a Marriage and Family Therapist and this is just a fabulous idea for any loss...

AnnD said... [Reply to comment]10

I already like The Connected Mom on FB!

AnnD said... [Reply to comment]11

I just "Liked" Earth Momma Angel Baby on FB! This is one contest "Like" that I am definitely keeping!

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]12

Although I have two children now, I still remember the heartache of losing my first baby. The Light Of My Heart Candle would have been helpful to heal a little bit. I'm glad there's products like this out there to help with the grieving process. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]13

I'm a Connected Mom fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]14

I'm a Earth Mama Angel Baby fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

trixx said... [Reply to comment]15

I like the Seeds of's a beautiful way to remember baby. peanut[at]

trixx said... [Reply to comment]16

I follow your blog