Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Today I Ate A Rainbow Review and Giveaway!

My daughter has always loved vegetables.  Even when she was starting solids she didn't like fruit much, and it has stayed that way.  She is moving little by little into the fruit sector, but she still only likes bananas, apricots, and peaches.

We have tried everything to get her to eat more fruits.  She will eat apples every once in awhile, and oranges too, but she would rather have a stick of broccoli, a pea pod, and a green pepper.

I love that I don't have to fight her to eat her vegetables, but I love buying and eating fruit, and I hate that it always went bad because she wouldn't eat it.

Enter Today I Ate A Rainbow!

They sent me The Rainbow Kit, and I instantly fell in love.  My daughter helped me open it, and was so excited to try it out.

She helped me make a list on the grocery list paper of which fruits and vegetables from each color that she wanted to eat that week.  I loved that they have the colors separated so it matches the rainbow board.  It made it so much easier for her to help me make the list that she wanted.

Once we made the list, we put the Today I Ate A Rainbow chart on the fridge with all the magnets that came with it.  She could not wait to try it out!

(My daughter still hates clothes at almost 4 years old, but I tried to keep her love of nudity a little subdued for the pictures haha)

The chart has five columns, each with a different color.  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.  Within each color are fruits and vegetables that are that color so they know which group they belong to.  A child is supposed to have five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and this chart makes it so easy to find out if they have had their five.  One fruit or vegetable from each column, and once they have had their serving, you place a magnet with the corresponding color on the column.  My daughter loved the stars, so that is what she chose when she had had a full serving of that color's vegetables.

Her favorite part of all of this was that she was more in charge of what she was able to eat.  She would pick a color from the chart, I would give her a choice between the fruits and vegetables she had chosen in that group, and she would get to choose what she wanted.  I have never seen her so happy to eat!

At the end of the day, when she had her last serving of fruits or vegetables, she felt so proud when she placed the rainbow sticker on her rainbow proving that she had eaten all of her fruits and vegetables.

I honestly have never seen my daughter so happy to eat, and I truly think it was because she was a more active participant in her own diet.

I cannot wait to keep using this kit.  My daughter had more energy during the week, was happier, and even took a nap one day.  She wakes up every morning asking when she can pick her first color of the day.

And the best part, Today I Ate A Rainbow is sending one of these kits FREE to one of our lucky readers!!

To enter:

    1.  MANDATORY ENTRY:  You must go over to Today I Ate A Rainbow and leave a comment letting  us know what you loved, whether it was a product, information, or just the site setup.

    2.  There are FOUR extra entries that you can use to help your chances of winning!!
  • *Like* The Connected Mom on Facebook! (If you are already a liker, you can still use this as an entry)
  • *Like* Today I Ate a Rainbow on Facebook! (If you are already a liker, you can still use this as an entry)
  • Follow @theconnectedmom and @eatingarainbow on twitter and tweet (once a day!) "I entered to win a Rainbow Kit from @eatingarainbow at @theconnectedmom! http://bit.ly/fUXuHK"
  • Subscribe to The Connected Mom using Google friend connect!  (If you already follow, you can still use as an entry)
    3.  The giveaway ends two weeks from today on Tuesday April 19th, the winner will be drawn at random on Wednesday April 20th! The winner will be posted here and contacted via email, so remember to include your email address on the comment form!  If we do not hear back from our winner within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen by another random draw.

Today I Ate A Rainbow sent me a free sample to review, I received no other compensation for this post, and the views expressed are my own.


Stewart family said... [Reply to comment]1

I love the chart. My son is 3 and doesn't understand when I say you need to eat a fruit or vegetable instead of more cheese or crackers. This would really help encourage him.

Stewart family said... [Reply to comment]2

I like you guys on FB. That's how I found out about this great product.

Stewart family said... [Reply to comment]3

I liked "Today I ate a rainbow" on FB.

Meegs said... [Reply to comment]4

I love the section for parents...especially the meal planning help. Great site all around!

Meegs said... [Reply to comment]5

I follow CM on GFC.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]6

I checked out the Rainbow Blog. Adding it to my blog reads.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]7

I already "like" CMs on FB.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]8

I liked Today I ate a Rainbow on FB.

jaem said... [Reply to comment]9

I liked Today I ate a Rainbow already on FB

jaem said... [Reply to comment]10

I liked CMs on FB!

jaem said... [Reply to comment]11

I sent a comment to the Rainbow peeps about my Zoë and wanting to try their kit.

Kelly said... [Reply to comment]12

What an awesome product! I love that it gives a visual to my son so we know what else he needs to eat.

Kelly said... [Reply to comment]13

I follow Connected Mom on Facebook =)

Kelly said... [Reply to comment]14

I am a follower through Google Friend Connect khamilton626@gmail.com

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]15

This is a great product to help our kids eat better! I have 1 healthy eater and one not so healthy... this just may help!

I "like" both on facebook

Molly said... [Reply to comment]16

I like CM on facebook...this looks like an awesome product...great incentive! My girl is a picky eater and it drives me bonkers b/c her dad and i model great healthful eating.

Mary Preston said... [Reply to comment]17

It's just as it says "Making Healthy Eating Fun for Kids". It's totally brilliant.


Christina said... [Reply to comment]18

I like the Today I Ate a Rainbow Kit. Maybe this would get my french-fry obsessed son to eat healthier food as well.

Rachel Lyn said... [Reply to comment]19

I like the bright colors and food choices in the pictures on the rainbow website.

Rachel Lyn said... [Reply to comment]20

I liked CM on FB

Rachel Lyn said... [Reply to comment]21

I liked Today I Ate a Rainbow on FB

Rachel Lyn said... [Reply to comment]22

I subscribed to CM with my e-mail address.

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]23

I like the section for picky eaters, it was helpful since my son hates veggies but loves fruits. tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]24

I'm a fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Tylerpants said... [Reply to comment]25

I'm a Today I Ate A Rainbow! fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]26

I liked the fact that they even have a page specific to Picky Eaters!
jenblizzard at yahoo dot com

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]27

Dailey tweet

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]28

Liked CM on FB

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]29

Liked today I ate a rainbow on FB
jenblizzard at yahoo dot com

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]30

Follow CM twitter
jenblizzad at yahoo dot com

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]31

Follow Rainbow on twitter
jenblizzard at yahoo com

Southern mom of 4 said... [Reply to comment]32

Follow via GFC
jenblizzard at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]33

I like the page they have for the kids to give them activites about healthy eating
gerrie.shaeffer AT yahoo DOT com

trixx said... [Reply to comment]34

What a great idea! I like that my daughter can participate in her own food choices

trixx said... [Reply to comment]35

I follow your blog